"I just wanted to give you my warmest thanks and gratitude for our readings today. Your words are still radiating through my thoughts. You my friend have an amazing gift, and I am blessed to have taken part in it. I hope to have contact with you in my future. As I will never forget today".
T.Coley.....Mars Hill, NC...
"I have met many clairvoyant psychics and spiritual counselors in my lifetime, but Steven is by far the most authentic, amazing, and extraordinarily gifted of them all. He is a beautiful being with great intuition, unbelievable accuracy, caring, compassion, honesty, and inspiration. I am extremely honored to know Steven and thrilled to have the opportunity to be on the receiving end of all his remarkable abilities. He is truly a blessing in my life!"
N.Gordon Phd.......Charlotte, NC
"Your help, guidance, support, friendship, etc. is so greatly appreciated, Steven. The words "Thank you" seem inadequate. I do not even know how to express my gratitude. You are an incredible gift and blessing in not only my life, but many lives, and I feel so incredibly honored to know you. Your innate kindness is immeasurable, and your gracious nature is contagious. Your are deeply valued. Thank you, Steven, for being authentic, and thank you for being you."
A.Olson......Hendersonville, NC...
"THANK YOU so much for this afternoon! Driving home I thought I had to write and tell you how powerful your reading was for me. I am eager to sit down with the recorder and transcribe every detail so I can look at it on paper and absorb it more fully. It was so helpful and I am very grateful to you for sharing your gift with me. And, of course, much gratitude to Rosalie as well!
I will definitely call you again for another reading. It was a pleasure to meet you and I will look forward to seeing you again soon! "
M. P......Asheville, NC...
"WOW! I, nor words, can even begin to describe how Steven has helped me regain the lost focus of my life and find the true person that I am. Since Steven has come into my life over a year ago, my life has transformed into a wholeness that I never thought possible. With Steven in my life I feel like the beautiful Phoenix that has risen from the ashes and continues to climb and soar with only the sky as my limit I have been to various medical professionals and none have been able to provide me with the guidance and direction that have allowed me to open a new chapter in my life and rediscover myself, as Steven has. With Steven's guidance I have been able to put my life into perspective and find some inner peace that I have needed for quite some time. Due in large part to Steven's direction, my life is getting back on track and gaining the traction necessary to allow me to live a fulfilled life and most importantly the happiness that everyone deserves. I cannot imagine what my life would be like or where I would be without Steven's assistance. Steven's words that have resonated the most with me are oh so simple but oh so true, "Karma is not always a bad thing, Karma can also be good." While the meaning is obvious, I look at and listen to Steven and realize that good Karma has come my way."
R.C. Eller.....Asheville, NC...
"Happy Father's Day! You have been a source of spiritual guidance and strength to so many, a spiritual father to us and I am sure many of your other clients.
Love and Light to you for all the work you do to clear the shadows."
A. Orezzoli.....Miami, FL...
"Thank you so much. You opened me up to an entire new way of looking at things. You truly have a gift. "
J.W......New Bern, NC...
" First off I want to say, you know how people say the first impression is everything? Well that is so true with Steven!! When you talk to him on the phone or meet him or go to his house all you feel is comfort, love and this amazing at home feeling for sure. WOW, WHERE DO I EVEN START!!! I saw Steven on Friday April 13 2012 (of all days "the saying that's the BAD LUCK DAY") but not this case at all it was more like a blessing. This was the most AMAZING day I have had in the past 7 years. With the help of Steven and Rosea Leigh. It might have 7 years has been taken from me but its more like 14 years that has been taken away from me.But after meeting Steven I left there feeling 12 years younger. I went and seen Steven about my Uncle passing, I have been trying to tell everyone in my family that he was murdered, and I know who did it but no one would believe me (and still don't). Steven told me everything that I have been saying and feeling was true. I have always wanted to do CSI or SVU work since I was in high school, and after his death I decided that I was going to go back to school for Criminal Justice. I never made it far because I thought I was going into it for the wrong reasons, but Steven looked at me as if it was my uncle sitting there looking at me tapping me in the head saying "SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND LISTEN!! You know that's what you should be doing and quite doubting yourself, your doing the right thing!!" Now because of Steven and Rosa Leigh I have no doubt in my heart, mind, body and soul anymore about my uncle, and what I should be doing with my life. Now that I can 110% fully move on with my life and not carry the burden, I can go on with my life like Uncle Buddy wants me to. I can't wait to start school back again and put everything into school because I know I'm doing it for the right reasons. Because of Steven and Rosa Leigh I know no matter what I have done, what or where I am or doing he has been, will be there and will ALWAYS be with me and my family. So Steven and Rosa Leigh I what to thank you so much from the bottom of my heart and soul and every ounce of my being for everything you both have shown me and said to me. You made me believe in myself like never before and without any doubts. I will always be forever grateful. I believe that God has put you in my life for this very reason. So I say again THANK YOU STEVEN AND ROSA LEIGH."
Danielle Butler.....Canton, NC...
"Steven Evans is a great citizen of the universe and is skilled in its ways. He makes things make sense...in a cosmic way...which is how we all should be thinking. His sight is unerring. Tell him a few lines about your topic and he has already tuned it or them in and he is off filling you with all kinds of pertinent info that keeps you off balance as to how anyone could know all this stuff only you know about. He is a compassionate human being and is a great giver. When Steven gives you information he does it from a place of understanding. I continue to learn from him how the universe works."
Robert Lighton.....New York, NY...
"Who would have believed the young man I met many years ago, would be the very one with whom I would spend time discussing the events and changes in the world close to me and around me. Steven's abilities are golden gifts presenting truth, love and the information one needs to be in the place for one's highest good and optimum results."
M.M.....Laurel Park, NC...
"I have known Steven for less than a year; but it feels as though I have known him all of my life, and probably previous lifetimes. His readings are filled with uncanny accuracy, honesty, compassion, humor (thanks also to his guide, Rosalie) and Divine Inspiration. The information he blesses me with stays with me for days and I can feel it working at many soul levels. He is truly one of my Angelic gifts from God and I am blessed. "
Diane V...... Amityville, NY...Yes, I live 5 blocks from the "Amityville Horror"
"Losing my dog Missy to fowl play was more than I could bare. Missy had wondered onto the property a year ago and made it known, she was mine and here to stay. I would let Missy run on dirt roads, out in the country where I live, and I would slowly follow in the car. Unfortunately during one of those outings, a car came around a bend at a high rate of speed, running me off the road. Missy went into protection mode chasing after the car. Before I could turn around both Missy and the car were gone. A friend suggested two things to do: Pray and call Steven Evans; I did both. Steven sensed my grief and the urgency of the situation. As I told him the story he was very kind. As he asked for details from his guide, he saw Missy chained behind an old run down trailer in a rural setting. Steven was told it was a meth lab and that the two men who took her were paranoid and dangerous. Steven instructed me to write a flyer specifically stating, " Dog is a companion to sick child", then telling me where to place the flyer, so it would be seen by a woman connected to the situation. She would then call or the whereabouts would become known. The call came the next day. She was turned in to an animal shelter 15 miles away. Steven kindly sheds the light on things for me. He has saved me a lot. I am grateful to Steven for restoring order to my life."
Linda E. and Doug H......Ellenboro, NC...
"I just wanted to say how nice it was to talk with you the other day. I'm glad I followed my intuition about you, feeling that you would be doing more than just a "reading", and that you and "Rosa Leigh" would be that wise oracle & heart space healing/understanding/validation that I needed. Thank you & I look forward to meeting you in person."
A. M. Camp.....Potsdam, NY...
"What a fresh breath to my soul when I experience a reading with Steven and his guide, Rosa Leigh. During a session my world finds clarity and what may have seemed in chaos, is actually in perfect order. Every visit with Steven is like the comfort one finds in “going home.” Curl up, relax and savor every moment you are blessed to be in Steven’s presence."
K.Thorpe.....Twin Falls, Idaho...
"Steven changed my life. Amazing, amazing person. Lot's of depth. I thoroughly enjoyed my consult with him. He helped me come to a life-altering decision. I will love him forever for it."
C. Morris.....Atlanta GA...